Three years ago, 30 year old Sachin Agarwal left Apple despite being an “Apple Fanboy” to start the self-blogging site Posterous. His goal, he said in this article, was to create a way to make blogging simpler; and a way for bloggers and others to better share information photos, posts and content on the internet.
Initially, Posterous succeeded simply by giving people the opportunity to blog without using Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal. This meant that they could blog by sending their blog posts, pictures or videos to a central Posterous email address from where it would be automatically formed into a blog.
Unfortunately, Agarwal found that as Facebook grew, Posterous became less popular. This led to a new concept, the introduction of groups. Agarwal explains: “What we’re finding is that Facebook’s network has gotten too big.” He continues to say: “It’s because they are so successful that people feel like they don’t have easy controls to indicate who can see what. It’s because of their success that we have this opportunity [with groups].”
It is impossible to predict whether Posterous will be able to continue to find success with its group platform. After all, we are talking about the world of technology where fortunes are made and lost overnight. By the way, when is the last time you logged into your Friendster or MySpace account? Now, Posterous faces competition from the giant, angry kid on the block, Google whose own social networking platform Google+ makes use of circles much in the same way that Agarawal’s Posterous uses groups to enable users to share information with all of their friends or with select groups or circles or friends.
To learn more about Argawal and Posterous, visit:
• Sachin Posterous
• Posterous Guide
• Posterous Review
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