Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pailin Chuchottaworn: A National Responsibility

Pailin Chuchottaworn has a big responsibility if not a national responsibility as head of Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT).  The company was founded on December 29, 1978. This was the period of the second world crisis of petroleum shortages. PTT’s primary mission was in expediting to procure adequate oil for domestic consumption.

 The company’s motivation was to seek additional indigenous petroleum reservoirs for the benefit of the country.  PTT has been able to increase the energy security of Thailand.  With the Ministry of Finance as the largest shareholder the company was eventually listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand in 2001.
From being domestically focused PTT is now venturing overseas to seek higher growth while at the same time fostering national energy security.

Hence, unlike other energy company heads whose main concern is the company itself, Chuchottaworn has to also be conscious about national responsibility that comes with running this company which did inherit some advantages as having been basically a government entity.
Chuchottaworn has been up to the challenge. He is eager to move the company forward and knows the there will be more pressures for competition in the future. He has been in the lead to invest in technology and having a “green company.

Chuchottaworn was appointed president and CEO on September 2011. Prior to his appointment he already had senior positions within the company including heading a number of its subsidiaries.  He holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering (Hons.) from Chulalong University in Thailand and a Masters and PhD in Chemical Engineering both from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan.

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