Monday, January 12, 2015

Masakazu Aoki: Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems President

Masakazu Aoki is the President of Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co. Ltd. He also serves as a Board of Director of the said company. In October 2014 he was appointed Vice President, Executive Officer, General Manager of Industrial Products Strategy Division at Hitachi Ltd.

If case you may be confused Hitachi Ltd is the bigger company that is world known. His appointment to the position of Vice President of the main company is an indication of his rise in Hitachi. This is not to say that his current position as President of Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems is not very important. In fact this is a company which was established in April 2002 with a capital stock of 10 billion yen.

As stated by Aoki, the company integrates functions for maintenance, service, engineering, marketing, research & development, design, and manufacturing, after being spun off from Hitachi, Ltd.  The company is engaged in a wide variety of businesses, including the motor business, which is over 100 years old, along with social/daily life infrastructure and other businesses involved in the industrial electrical equipment, such as factory automation/control systems, wind/water systems, pneumatic systems, power distribution, environmental systems, and labor-savings systems.  By integrating the company’s complete engineering ability, utilizing its technological capabilities accumulated over a long period of time, and employing know-how based on its history and business results, the company provides high value-added products and systems solutions that promptly reflect customer needs.

Aoki further stated that the company is making efforts toward state-of-the-art research & development and commercialization in areas such as IT and telecommunications, and is incorporating technologies and expertise gained in this area into system businesses concerning monitoring and management/positioning information. The company is also actively promoting business development in overseas markets, such as in China, other Asian countries, Europe, and the U.S.
Furthermore, as stated by Aoki the company’s business concept is embodied in the phrase “Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems, contributing to the environmental protection and energy conservation”. 

Aoki is one business executive on the rise, while he is already contributing significantly given his current position he may one day head Hitachi Ltd and make even bigger contributions.

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