James Lobo earned a Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude from Harvard University in 1984. James also holds an MBA from Harvard Business School graduating in 1988 and was a Baker Scholar.
He started his career at Mercer Management Consulting in 1984 and held various positions in the company until 1988, when he was appointed Vice President. James was Vice President of consulting firm Strategic Planning Associates before he moved to General Electric Company in 1992. He was a member of corporate development and later became CEO and Chairman of GE Mexico in 1997. James was lated named CEO and President of GE Capital’s TIP/Modular Space Division.
James moved to FPL Group in 2002. FPL Group was renamed NextEra Energy in 2010. In March 2002 he was Vice President of Corporate Strategy and Development. In June 2002, he was elevated to President of the company. In 2006, he retained his role as President and was promoted to COO.
James was elected CEO and President of NextEra in July 2012. He was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors in December 2013.
NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NEE) is a leading clean energy company with consolidated revenues of around $17.00 billion, approximately 44,900 megawatts of generating capacity, which includes megawatts associated with non-controlling interests related to NextEra Energy Partners, LP. (NYSE: NEP), and approximately 13, 800 employees in 27 states and Canada as of year-end 2014. NextEra Energy is headquartered in Juno Beach, Florida and principal subsidiaries are Florida Power & lIght Company which serves around 4.8 million customer accounts in Florida and is one of the largest rate-regulated electric utilities in the United States, and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, which, together with affiliated entities, is the world’s largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and sun.
Through its subsidiaries, NextEra Energy generates clean, emissions-free electricity from eight commercial nuclear power units in Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa, and Wisconsin.
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