Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hiroo Unoura: NTT President & CEO

Hiroo Unoura was born on January 13, 1949.  He obtained a B.A. in Law from the University of Tokyo in 1973. Hiroo joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT)  also in 1973. He has held various posts in different aspects of the company including traffic operation management, sales promotion, and human resource management including labor relations, and corporate strategy planning and implementation.

In 2002 Hiroo became Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Strategy Department as well as becoming Member of the Board. In 2008 he was appointed Senior Vice President, Head of New Business Promotion Office and President of NTT Investment Partners.

Hiroo was a significant player in planning and promoting NTT Group’s Medium-Term Management Strategy, focusing on FTTH and mobile broadband service development and NGN (Next Generation Network) vision released in 2004, accelerating transformation from traditional network career business to global-IP-based solution company as a “Service Creation Business Group” released in 2008, and executing acquisitions of Dimension Data plc. in 2010 and Centerstance Inc., in 2012.
Hiroo was promoted to President and CEO in June 2012. He has been taking the initiative in developing a new vision, “Towards the Next Stage” released in 2012, introducing a concept of a “Value Partner” for supporting customers’ transformation through offering global cloud services.

NTT is one of the largest companies in the world but just like any company it has it vulnerabilities. This comes primarily from the domestic front due to the fact that the Japanese telecommunications market is fast approaching the point of complete saturation. Thus NTT will be stuck in a market which will eventually have no growth. It had to rethink its approach in order to survive and prosper.

It is not the only Japanese company that has realized this and competitors like Softbank have already acquired a major U.S. mobile phone carrier, eAccess and also announced plans to take over Sprint Nextel by purchasing a 70 percent stake.

Given the huge resource at Hiroo’s disposal he can make many things happen and hopefully they are the right ones.  

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